We are proud to introduce this year a new line of beautiful, delicious and exclusive products.
Please see below our new range products!


We are the creator and a leader of the market of the sushi in Europe. The quality is extended, delicious, and from the highest quality. It proposes a practical meal solution, healthy and tasty, in response to growing consumer trends. The consumers are in search of practicality and saving time to be in phase with their rhythms of life. But they are also looking for healthy and quality products to satisfy a will of “eating better”. We carry the IFSC certification superior level, certification IFS upper level giving evidence of the quality and of the safety of our processes as well as our products.


A crunchy Sushi bite with style! Crunchy Sushi is a fully patented, innovative, premium Sushi concept, a new, exclusive, unique, and delicious cocktail appetizer! The Crunchy Sushi has different taste sensations. With only a quick frying time needed, Crunchy Sushi becomes crunchy finger food. It can be portioned by a serrated knife into equal pieces, ready for consumption. Crunchy Sushi is the innovative alternative, low calorie to traditional finger food. We have 3 fantastic Crunchy Sushi rolls for Catering: The California roll, Salmon roll and Vegetarian roll. Crunchy Sushi products have the IFS certification as well as ASC/MSC certification. The modified production process also ensures that our products are FREE of synthetic food additives. The necessary additives used to make a product such as Crunchy Sushi possible, are based on natural ingredients!


Please, do not hesitate to contact us back should you have any comments/questions.
You’re more than welcome!